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As the end of the year draws closer, security teams around the world will be preparing for their annual ‘change freeze’.

A time when no new system updates or changes can be made to ensure business operations run smoothly while sales are at their highest or staff are on extended holiday leave.

Now is the perfect time to prepare for this period and Pentesec can help with our pre-freeze check list:

Vulnerability Review

Finding and patching vulnerabilities is a full time job with a huge amount of data to process. Attackers will often lay dormant on a network, waiting for the best time to strike. That will usually be during peak operating times, as the potential to harvest data or cause damage is greater.

We can review your existing infrastructure for gaps and vulnerabilities, establish whether these weaknesses are being exploited and provide remedial recommendations so that you know you’ve done your best to prevent an attack.

Updates and Certifications

We can review your Hardware and Software to ensure that your certifications are valid and that everything you use is on the most up to date and recommended software versions.

We can also enable any new features or capabilities that have been added, to strengthen your security and give you better control and visibility of your operations.


With a busy quarter ahead, you need every advantage you can get to ensure your network delivers for your customers.

We can optimise your security rules, enhance configurations and more, to ensure that your services run fast and reliably.

Licences and Support

With so many services in place it can be hard to track whether everything you depend on is under support and licensed appropriately. Fixing this ahead of time will avoid unnecessary delays when support is required due to operational outages.

Licence reviews can also uncover opportunities to cut unnecessary expenditure or to switch to more beneficial licencing options that give you additional features and capabilities.

Contact us here to schedule a call and we one of our security experts will put together a plan of action that ensures your change freeze goes smoothly.